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About the Artist


Amanda Cello Rose is a self-taught contemporary artist based in Philadelphia. She works with various mediums such as: oil, acrylic, graphite, ink, watercolor and digital painting.

Amanda is greatly influenced by surrealism, which she believes captures the essence that there is always more depth within something than what meets the eye. A lot of her work intertwines the beautiful oddities of nature and anatomy to symbolize our human behavior and life experiences. "Decay and growth are reoccurring themes within my work, often displaying that death/growth is an ongoing cycle within us and a reflection of the nature around us. Growing up around spiritual rituals that reflect the moon cycles and seasonal shifts, I've learned how Nature's energy impacts us deep within our core through all of its phases. We continue to change, shed, blossom, and evolve just as the seasons do."

Amanda's work has been a part of group shows, store galleries, featured in print, on product labels, and appeared in web articles nationally.